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Saturday, October 26, 2024

Ice Skating Tricks and Jumps

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Ice skating tricks and jumps are maneuvers that are performed by ice skaters to showcase their skill and athleticism on the ice. These maneuvers require balance, agility, and coordination on the ice, and are often accompanied by music to create an artistic and visually stunning performance.

Some of the most popular ice skating tricks and jumps include:

Axel: This is a jump that involves taking off from the back inside edge of one skate and landing on the back outside edge of the opposite skate while completing a 1 1/2 revolution in the air.

Salchow: This is a jump that involves taking off from the back inside edge of one skate and landing on the back outside edge of the same skate while completing 1 revolution in the air.

Loop: This is a jump that involves taking off from the back outside edge of one skate and landing on the back outside edge of the same skate while completing 1 revolution in the air.

Lutz: This is a jump that involves taking off from the back outside edge of one skate and landing on the back outside edge of the opposite skate while completing 1 revolution in the air.

Toe loop: This is a jump that involves using the toe pick of one skate to launch into the air and completing 1 revolution before landing on the same skate.

Flip: This is a jump that involves taking off from the back inside edge of one skate and landing on the back outside edge of the opposite skate while completing 1 revolution in the air. The takeoff involves a toe pick assist.

Double toe loop: This is a jump that involves taking off from the back outside edge of one skate and completing 2 revolutions in the air before landing on the back outside edge of the same skate.

Triple Lutz: This is a jump that involves taking off from the back outside edge of one skate and landing on the back outside edge of the opposite skate while completing 3 revolutions in the air.

Double Axel: This is a jump that involves taking off from the back inside edge of one skate and landing on the back outside edge of the opposite skate while completing 2 revolutions in the air.

Triple Salchow: This is a jump that involves taking off from the back inside edge of one skate and landing on the back outside edge of the same skate while completing 3 revolutions in the air.

Spin: A figure skating move where the skater rotates quickly on one foot while holding a certain position, such as the camel spin or sit spin.

Spiral: A figure skating move where the skater glides on one foot while holding the other leg up and straight behind them.

Mohawk: A figure skating move where the skater changes edges by crossing one foot over the other and gliding on the new edge.

Crossover: A basic skating move where the skater crosses one foot over the other while turning and gliding on the new edge.

An ice skater performing a few tricks and jumps

Some other examples include:

Biellmann spin: A figure skating spin where the skater lifts their skating leg up and grabs it behind their head with both hands while spinning.

Ina Bauer: A figure skating move where the skater leans back and extends one leg out to the side while bending the other leg and gliding on an edge.

Backflip: An acrobatic skating trick where the skater jumps backward and does a backflip in the air before landing on the ice.

Butterfly jump: A figure skating jump where the skater jumps from both feet at the same time and completes a full rotation in the air before landing on the ice.

Shoot-the-duck: A figure skating move where the skater glides on one foot while holding the other foot with both hands and lowering their body into a squat position.

Twizzle: A figure skating move where the skater rotates rapidly on one foot while moving forward or backward and crossing their other foot in front of or behind them.

Stag jump: A figure skating jump where the skater jumps from one foot to the other and extends the free leg forward with a bent knee.

Spiral sequence: A figure skating move where the skater performs a series of spirals in a row, changing feet and positions as they glide.

Backward crossovers: A skating move where the skater crosses one foot over the other while skating backward and gliding on the new edge.

Double Salchow: A figure skating jump where the skater takes off from the back inside edge and completes two rotations in the air before landing on the back outside edge of the opposite foot.

Spread eagle: A figure skating move where the skater glides on both feet with their legs spread apart and arms extended.

One-foot spin: A figure skating spin where the skater rotates quickly on one foot while holding a certain position, such as the upright spin or the layback spin.

Hockey stop: A skating technique used to quickly slow down or stop by turning the toes of both skates inward and pushing the outside edges into the ice to create friction.

Before attempting any ice skating tricks or jumps, it is important to have a strong foundation in basic skating skills and techniques. Remember, safety should always be your top priority when ice skating. If you are unsure about your abilities or feel uncomfortable attempting a trick or jump, it is best to wait until you feel more confident and comfortable on the ice.

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